Have you ever wondered why you love to wear certain colors and avoid others? Did you know that everyone have a seasonal color palette that looks best on them? If you didn’t, then no worries because I was also in the dark about this and I’m sure were not the only ones. I’m one of those people that have a closet full of clothes yet I notice myself reaching for the same things over and over again. Sometimes it’s about comfort and sometimes it’s about what I feel like looks best on me. Keep reading to find out your season and what colors will look best on you.

What’s a seasonal color analysis?

A seasonal color analysis looks at the color/undertone of 3 things: Hair, Skin, and Eye color. Once you determine how many cool, neutral or warm features you have then it will put you in a seasonal category, such as Spring, Summer, Autumn or Winter. Within each season there are 3 subtypes as you will see below. The subtypes will determine how muted or vivid the colors are in your season. This will help narrow down the colors that will look best on you. You may be able to save some time and money once you figure out what your color is! Let’s begin…

Determining Your Skin Undertone

#1 Jewelry Test: In the sunlight you can put gold and silver jewelry on your skin. If silver jewelry looks best you have a cool undertone but if gold jewelry looks best you have a warm undertone. If they both look good your undertone may be neutral.

#2 Vein Color Test: If your veins on your inner wrist are mostly blue and purple your undertone is cool. If they are mostly green you have a warm undertone. If your veins are blue and green your undertone may be neutral.

There are two cool seasons (Winter and Summer) and two warm seasons (Spring and Autumn). Knowing this can help narrow it down to two seasons.

Spring Seasonal Color Palette (Warm & Light)

If you are a spring then you are more likely to have lighter hair and eyes with a warmer undertone. Although this can vary and you can still have dark features as well. Read below to see more details about physical characteristics and find your colors.

Light Spring

Hair: Light to medium golden blonde or brown, sometimes strawberry blonde

Skin: Pale peach, peach or tanned peach

Eyes: Blue, green, light/soft brown, hazel

Clear/Bright Spring

Hair: Golden medium to dark brown hair, can include auburn and copper tones

Skin: Porcelain, ivory, tanned peach, bronze, warm brown, brown black

Eyes: Light brown, blue, blue/green, green

Warm Spring

Hair: Golden blonde, strawberry blonde, copper, coppery red, and light golden brown

Skin: Porcelain ivory, golden beige, and bronze

Eyes: Light brown, blue, blue/green, dark green

Summer Seasonal Color Palette (Cool & Light)

If you are a summer you are more likely to have lighter hair and eye colors with cool undertones. Although you can still have dark features as well. Read below to see more details about physical characteristics and find your colors.
Light Summer

Hair: Light to medium blonde (ashy tint), very light ash brown

Skin: Rosy beige, neutral beige, light beige, rosy beige, soft beige

Eyes: Light grey, light-medium blue, and light green

Soft Summer

Hair: Light to medium blonde or brown sometimes with ashy highlights

Skin: Light beige, neutral beige, pink beige, rosy beige, medium beige

Eyes: Gray, blue, green hazel

Cool Summer

Hair: Medium to dark brown with ashy undertones

Skin: Light neutral beige, gray beige, cool beige, neutral beige

Eyes: Blue, slate, gray

Autumn Seasonal Color Palette (Warm & Dark)

If you are an autumn you are more likely to have dark hair and dark eyes with warm undertones. Although you can still have light features as well. Read below to see more details about physical characteristics and find your colors.

Deep Autumn

Hair: Medium to dark brown hair, or brown-black (can have golden or orange highlights)

Skin: Ivory, golden beige, olive, bronze or chocolate

Eyes: Dark blue, dark green, dark brown, or brown-black

Soft Autumn

Hair: Golden blonde to dark brown (can have warm or orange highlights)

Skin: Ivory, tan to light brown with warm or neutral undertones

Eyes: Green, hazel, blue or light brown

Warm Autumn

Hair: Medium to dark golden brown, warm auburn and dark red

Skin: Ivory, golden olive, warm beige and bronze

Eyes: Green, green hazel, or light brown

Winter Seasonal Color Palette (Cool & Dark)

If you are a winter you are more likely to have dark hair and vibrant eyes with cool undertones. Although you can still have blonde hair. Read below to see more details about physical characteristics and find your colors.

Cool Winter

Hair: Ashy blonde, ashy light or dark brown, ashy black (no golden or red high lights)

Skin: Very pale, light beige, light olive, rosy olive, or black

Eyes: Cool blue, icy hazel, cool brown, cool dark brown, or cool black-brown

Clear/Bright Winter

Hair: Medium brown to black (cool or blue undertones)

Skin: Milky white, pale beige, light olive, deep brown, or black

Eyes: Green, bright blue, icy blue, rich brown, or violet

Deep Winter

Hair: Medium to dark brown, black, or silver

Skin: Rosy beige, beige, olive, rich brown, or black

Eyes: Dark hazel, dark brown, dark green or black

If you fall in a seasonal category, you can wear any color from your seasons subtypes but your personal subtype will include your most complimenting colors.

If you are having trouble determining your seasonal color I have attached a link for a free quiz below.


What’s your seasonal color? Comment Below!