I’m so excited you are here and reading this. First, I would like to tell you a little about me, then we will get into the why and what of the blog.

#1: Who I am.

A Little About Me

My name is Amanda Myers. I was born and raised in the wonderful state of Oklahoma. I’ve spent most of my life here but did spend a year living in Cali when I was younger. I truly love Oklahoma and believe we have some of the kindest people here. After I graduated high school, I attended Tulsa Community College for a couple years then transferred over to Northeastern State University where I received a bachelor’s in psychology. From there, I attended the University of Oklahoma to earn my master’s in social work. I knew I wanted to do something to help others and I love working with kids. I currently work as a School Based Therapist, primarily with early childhood and elementary age children.

My husband and I have been married for 5 years last October. He is the Children’s Pastor at our church and we enjoy serving in the ministry together; this brings me the most joy and fulfillment in life. I am a passionate follower of Jesus and believe that everyone of us was created for a plan and a purpose. Currently my husband and I are building our forever home and plan to share more about that process in the future. My husband and I enjoy hiking, hunting, and all things outdoors. I would say that I am very close with my family. Some may even call it enmeshed at times but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Pictured Below: My mom, dad, 2 younger sisters and my husband on vacation in Galveston, TX. My youngest sister was pregnant with my niece in this picture. My husband and I have two beautiful nieces!

#2: Why the Name?

Thriving in the Son Light…

In John 1:4 it says, “In Him was life and life was the light of men.” Jesus is the light and life. The greek word for life in this verse is referring to Zoe (Pronounced: Zo’ay) life or the divine life of God. Those who live to be spiritually minded will find true life and peace. When we are born again and receive the free gift of salvation it enables us to reign in the Zoe Life of Christ. This type of life allows us to operate in the kingdom benefits here on earth. I pray my life exemplifies the light and peace of Jesus. I want this blog to be a platform or place for you to encounter the love of the father.

#3: What will this blog be about?

Faith, Fashion, Beauty, and Lifestyle

For my first blog post, I wanted to give you an idea of what you can expect to see here. I will use this blog to talk about God but also a space for me to hopefully be transparent about the struggles I’ve been through in my own personal life. I also really enjoy fashion and beauty and want to be able to include posts about that as well. I’d like to give information on good deals, my own personal beauty favorites and fashion finds. I have a vision of what I would like this blog to be and I’m excited to start that journey.

I’m excited you are here. Please leave a comment below to let me know what type of content you are interested in and where you are from!